The Scribbles is a collection of non-fiction texts written by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson. The texts touch on various topics ranging from random thoughts to hiking blogs to academic publications.
The restless toes combine many of my hobbies, which include, hiking, running, cycling and travelling in general. While this blog is not a traditional travel guide, I hope that it can give you good ideas for choosing hikes in the areas where I do most of my hiking, such as, Montseny and Pyrenees in Catalunya, Spain and in my old home country of Iceland.
My contribution to science has been achieved mostly through academic publications, research projects and research prototypes. My main fields of study have been information retrieval and image exploration.
In addition I write about not-so-scientific experiments, random thoughts and my stabs at publishing my works of fiction, of which you can find more at the Urban Volcano, where I write mostly short stories and flash fiction.